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Hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone neurons integrate food-motivated appetitive and consummatory processes in rats. Subramanian KS, Lauer LT, Hayes AMR, Décarie-Spain L, McBurnett K, Nourbash AC, Donohue KN, Kao AE, Bashaw AG, Burdakov D, Noble EE, Schier LA, Kanoski SE (2023) Nat Commun. PMID: 36990984

The role of exerkines on brain mitochondria: a mini-review. Heo J, Noble EE, Call JA (2023) J Appl Physiol PMID: 36417200


Early life Western diet-induced memory impairments and gut microbiome changes in female rats are long-lasting despite healthy dietary intervention. Tsan L, Sun S, Hayes AMR, Bridi L, Chirala LS, Noble EE, Fodor AA, Kanoski SE (2022) Nutr Neurosci. PMID: 34565305

Behavioral Consequences of a Rumbling Tummy: Fasting Alters Emotional State via the Vagus Nerve. Noble EE (2022) Biol Psychiatry PMID: 36202543

Early-life low-calorie sweetener consumption disrupts glucose regulation, sugar-motivated behavior, and memory function in rats. Tsan L, Chometton S, Hayes AM, Klug ME, Zuo Y, Sun S, Bridi L, Lan R, Fodor AA, Noble EE, Yang X, Kanoski SE, Schier LA (2022) JCI Insight PMID: 36099052

Ventral hippocampus-lateral septum circuitry promotes foraging-related memory. Décarie-Spain L, Liu CM, Lauer LT, Subramanian K, Bashaw AG, Klug ME, Gianatiempo IH, Suarez AN, Noble EE, Donohue KN, Cortella AM, Hahn JD, Davis EA, Kanoski SE (2022) Cell Rep. PMID: 36170832

Oxytocin as a potential pharmacological tool to combat obesity. Olszewski PK, Noble EE, Paiva L, Ueta Y, Blevins JE (2022) J Neuroendocrinol. PMID: 35192207

Pharmaceutical Agents for Contractile-Metabolic Dysfunction After Volumetric Muscle Loss. McFaline-Figueroa J, Schifino AG, Nichenko AS, Lord MN, Hunda ET, Winders EA, Noble EE, Greising SM, Call JA (2022) Tissue Eng Part A. PMID: 35620911


Oxytocin and Food Intake Control: Neural, Behavioral, and Signaling Mechanisms Liu CM, Spaulding MO, Rea JJ, Noble EE, Kanoski SE (2021) Int J Mol Sci. PMID: 34639199

Gut microbial taxa elevated by dietary sugar disrupt memory function. Noble EE, Olson CA, Davis E, Tsan L, Chen YW, Schade R, Liu C, Suarez A, Jones RB, de La Serre C, Yang X, Hsiao EY, Kanoski SE. (2021) Translational Psychiatry; PMID: 33790226.

Melanin-concentrating hormone and food intake control: Sites of action, peptide interactions, and appetition. Lord MN, Subramanian K, Kanoski SE, Noble EE. (2021) Peptides; PMID: 33370567.

Western Diet Consumption During Development: Setting the Stage for Neurocognitive Dysfunction. Tsan L, Décarie-Spain L, Noble EE, Kanoski SE. (2021) Front Neurosci.; PMID: 33642988.


NIH Workshop Report: sensory nutrition and disease. Reed DR, Alhadeff AL, Beauchamp GK, Chaudhari N, Duffy VB, Dus M, Fontanini A, Glendinning JI, Green BG, Joseph PV, Kyriazis GA, Lyte M, Maruvada P, McGann JP, McLaughlin JT, Moran TH, Murphy C, Noble EE, Pepino MY, Pluznick JL, Rother KI, Saez E, Spector AC, Sternini C, Mattes RD. (2020) Am J Clin Nutr.; PMID: 33300030.

Central oxytocin signaling inhibits food reward-motivated behaviors and VTA dopamine responses to food-predictive cues in male rats. Liu CM, Hsu TM, Suarez AN, Subramanian KS, Fatemi RA, Cortella AM, Noble EE, Roitman MF, Kanoski SE. (2020) Hormones and Behavior; PMID: 32991888.

Ghrelin and Orexin Interact to Increase Meal Size Through a Descending Hippocampus to Hindbrain Signaling Pathway. Suarez AN, Liu CM, Cortella AM, Noble EE, Kanoski SE. (2020) Biological Psychiatry; PMID: 31836175.

Sex Differences and Estrous Influences on Oxytocin Control of Food Intake. Liu CM, Davis EA, Suarez AN, Wood RI, Noble EE, Kanoski SE. (2020) Neuroscience; PMID: 31738883.

Nucleus accumbens melanin-concentrating hormone signaling promotes feeding in a sex-specific mannerNucleus accumbens melanin-concentrating hormone signaling promotes feeding in a sex-specific manner. Terill S, Subramanian K, Lan R, Liu C, Cortella A, Kanoski SE, Noble EE. (2020) Neuropharmacology; PMID: 32795460.


Hypothalamus-hippocampus circuitry regulates impulsivity via melanin-concentrating hormone. Noble EE, Wang Z, Liu CM, Davis EA, Suarez AN, Stein LM, Tsan L, Terrill SJ, Hsu TM, Jung AH, Raycraft LM, Hahn JD, Darvas M, Cortella AM, Schier LA, Johnson AW, Hayes MR, Holschneider DP, Kanoski SE. (2019) Nature Communications; PMID: 31664021.

Regulation of memory function by feeding-relevant biological systems: following the breadcrumbs to the hippocampus. Suarez AN, Noble EE, Kanoski SE. (2019) Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience; PMID: 31057368.

Early-life sugar consumption has long-term negative effects on memory function in male rats. Noble EE, Hsu TM, Liang J, Kanoski SE. (2019) Nutritional Neuroscience; PMID: 28944721.

A "NEAT" Approach to Obesity Prevention in the Modern Work Environment. Malaeb S, Perez-Leighton CE, Noble EE, Billington C. (2019) Workplace Health Saf.; PMID: 30370831.


Biglycan gene connects metabolic dysfunction with brain disorder. Ying Z, Byun HR, Meng Q, Noble E, Zhang G, Yang X, Gomez-Pinilla F. (2018) Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. PMID: 30291886.

Gut vagal sensory signaling regulates hippocampus function through multi-order pathways. Suarez AN, Hsu TM, Liu CM, Noble EE, Cortella AM, Nakamoto EM, Hahn JD, de Lartiegue G, Kanoski SE. (2018) Nature Communications; PMID: 29872139.

Control of feeding behavior by cerebral ventricular volume transmission of melanin-concentrating hormone. Noble EE, Hahn JD, Konanur VR, Hsu TM, Page SJ, Cortella AM, Liu CM, Song MY, Suarez AN, Szujewski CC, Rider D, Clarke JE, Darvas M, Appleyard AM, Kanoski SE. (2018) Cell Metabolism; PMID: 29861386.

Hippocampus ghrelin receptor signaling promotes socially-mediated learned food preference. Hsu TM, Noble EE, Reiner DJ, Liu CM, Suarez AN, Konanur VR, Hayes MR, Kanoski SE. (2018) Neuropharmacology; PMID: 29191751.

A hippocampus to prefrontal cortex neural pathway inhibits food motivation through glucagon-like peptide-1 signaling. Hsu TM, Noble EE, Liu CM, Cortella AM, Konanur VR, Suarez AN, Reiner DJ, Hahn JD, Hayes MR, Kanoski SE. (2018) Molecular Psychiatry; PMID: 28461695.

Lateral hypothalamic GLP-1 receptors are critical for the control of food reinforcement, ingestive behavior and body weight. Lopez-Ferraras L, Richard JE, Noble EE, Eerola K, Anderberg RH, Taing L., Kanoski SE, Hayes MR, Skibicka KP. (2018) Molecular Psychiatry; PMID: 28894301.


Early life sugar consumption affects the rat microbiome independent of obesity. Noble EE, Hsu TM, Jones RB, Fodor AA, Goran MI, Kanoski SE. (2017) The Journal of Nutrition; PMID: 27903830.

Gut to brain dysbiosis: Mechanisms linking Western Diet consumption, the microbiome, and cognitive impairment. Noble EE, Hsu TM, Kanoski SE. (2017) Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience; PMID: 28194099.

Amylin acts in the lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus to regulate energy balance through GABA signaling. Reiner DJ, Mietlicki-Baase EG, Olivos DR, McGrath LE, Zimmer DJ, Kock-Laskowski K, Krawczyk J, Turner C, Noble EE, Hahn JD, Schmidt HD, Kanoski SE, Hayes MR. (2017) Biological Psychiatry; PMID: 28237459.


Dietary fructose aggravates the pathobiology of traumatic brain injury by influencing energy homeostasis and plasticity. Agrawal R, Noble E, Vergnes L, Ying Z, Reue K, Gomez-Pinilla F. (2016) J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. PMID: 26661172.

Systems Nutrigenomics Reveals Brain Gene Networks Linking Metabolic and Brain Disorders. Meng Q, Ying Z, Noble E, Zhao Y, Agrawal R, Mikhail A, Zhuang Y, Tyagi E, Zhang Q, Lee JH, Morselli M, Orozco L, Guo W, Kilts TM, Zhu J, Zhang B, Pellegrini M, Xiao X, Young MF, Gomez-Pinilla F, Yang X. (2016) EBioMedicine; PMID: 27322469.

Effect of Housing Types on Growth, Feeding, Physical Activity, and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats. Teske JA, Perez-Leighton CE, Noble EE, Wang C, Billington CJ, Kotz CM. (2016) Frontiers in Nutrition; PMID: 26870735.

Early life exposure to obesogenic diets and learning and memory dysfunction. Noble EE, Kanoski SE. (2016) Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences; PMID: 26858972.


Hippocampus ghrelin signaling mediates appetite through lateral hypothalamic orexin pathways. Hsu TM, Hahn JD, Konanur VR, Noble EE, Suarez AN, Thai J, Nakamoto EM, Kanoski SE. (2015) eLife; PMID: 26745307.

Curcumin boosts DHA in the brain: Implications for the prevention of anxiety disorders. Wu A, Noble EE, Tyagi E, Ying Z, Zhuang Y, Gomez-Pinilla F. (2015) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.; PMID: 25550171.

Flavonoid derivative 7,8-DHF attenuates TBI pathology via TrkB activation. Agrawal R, Noble E, Tyagi E, Zhuang Y, Ying Z, Gomez-Pinilla F. (2015) Biochim Biophys Acta.; PMID: 25661191.


Oxytocin in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus reduces feeding and acutely increases energy expenditure. Noble EE, Billington CJ, Kotz CM, Wang C. (2014) American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology; PMID: 24990860.

Exercise reduces diet-induced cognitive decline and increases hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor in CA3 neurons. Noble EE, Mavanji V, Little MR, Billington CJ, Kotz CM, Wang C. (2014) Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; PMID: 24755094.


The lighter side of BDNF. Noble EE, Billington CJ, Kotz CM, Wang C. (2011) American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology; PMID: 21346243.